2020 came right on in here and pretty much dominated the decade already with all the craziness going on in the world. Needless to say, Welcome to This Quarantine New Way of Life! I hope and pray that you and your family are keeping safe and staying in the house as necessary. I figured since I’ve been given this gift of time, I may as well start back doing something I love, which is writing my personal blog. On our end, we have adjusted to elementary education at home. It’s been quite an experience having our works join throughout the day. As a kid, they just want to go to school and hang out with their friends b/c socializing at that age is so important. ZOOM seems to be keeping them connected. I walked in and him and his friend making crazy faces at each other in their breakout session. I guess they are trying to get used to the new normal. As we come to the end of Q1, the world has transitioned into a work from home status, now how’s that for a news story? I’ve been advocating for WFH Options at work since my son was born b/c it allows us high powered career woman to alleviate the fear of missing out on family tome. Now, the whole world is finally getting a glimpse of what life would be like with a change in the work culture that embraces options for women who make up 70% of the work force. My response, “it’s about damn time”. We shouldn’t have to overextended ourselves to the point of exhaustion trying to balance between work and home. I gave up all the Super Woman Stuff years ago. There is no such thing as the perfect wife, mother, friend, sister, daughter, etc. However, there is such a thing as were all in this together trying to raise our kids to be solid, responsible, kind, smart human beings. As an American, I believe we are still fortunate regardless of the sociopolitical climate, that we are able to live in a country that allows us to make a choice about how we live our lives and raise our families. Long story longer, it’s time for a change Boys. And, the world is shifting to a deeper consciousness of community and oneness. Now, That, My Friend, is AMAZING! As Always, Be Love! ❤️Rashida❤️